
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Inspirational Quotes Posters

Need some inspirational quotes in your room? Here are some inspirational quotes about education, future and kindness that you can post on your classroom walls or  pin on your bulletin boards. 

Inspirational Posters include the following quotes: 
"Education is a powerful weapon that you can use to change the world."
'Kindness is the language which a deaf can hear and the blind can see."
"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destination."
"No beauty shines brighter than a good heart."
"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing to your best today."

Be a teacher that spreads motivation and inspiration to your students. 
Click image to view full size before saving. 

Teacher Fun Files is a website that provides FREE educational resources to help learners, parents and teachers all around the world in learning and teaching pre-school and grade school concepts. Posters, flashcards, English reading materials and worksheets are available and great for blended learning (online class, classroom-based and homeschooling). However, these materials are NOT for COMMERCIAL USE. Images are either made or under creative commons. If any of the images are offensive or under any copyright, message us to get it removed. Thank you for visiting Teacher Fun Files.

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